






import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('data.csv')


import numpy as np
arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
y = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]
plt.plot(x, y)


Python也可以用于网站开发,最常用的Python Web框架是Django和Flask。


from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.urls import path
def hello(request):
    return HttpResponse("Hello, World!")
urlpatterns = [
    path('hello/', hello),


from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def home():
    return "Hello, World!"




from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn import datasets
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
boston = datasets.load_boston()
X =[:, np.newaxis, 2] # we only take the third feature to keep the example simple and shorten the output size of the plots below. Y is the target variable that we want to predict. We use only one feature to illustrate this example. In practice, you would use all available features to make predictions with a real dataset. X =[:, np.newaxis, :] in this case. The last line transforms the data into a numpy array because scikitlearn expects input data in this format. If you don't do this step (and you don't convert your data into a numpy array), you will get an error when trying to fit the model. This step is not necessary if you pass your data directly from a pandas dataframe or another format that can be used directly by scikitlearn functions like train_test_split or fit, but it is necessary if you pass your data as a list or a numpy array directly from a file or another source. Y = values that we want to predict. We use only one feature to illustrate this example. In practice, you would use all available features to make predictions with a real dataset. X =[:, np.newaxis, :] in this case. The last line transforms the data into a numpy array because scikitlearn expects input data in this format. If you don't do this step (and you don't convert your data into a numpy array), you will get an error when trying to fit the model. This step is not necessary if you pass your data directly from a pandas dataframe or another format that can be used directly by scikitlearn functions like train_test_split or fit, but it is necessary if you pass your data as a list or a numpy array directly from a file or another source. Y = values that we want to predict. We use only one feature to illustrate this example. In practice, you would use all available features to make predictions with a real dataset. X =[:, np.newaxis, :] in this case. The last line transforms the data into a numpy array because scikitlearn expects input data in this format. If you don't do this step (and you don't convert your data into a numpy array), you will get an error when trying to fit the model. This step is not necessary if you pass your data directly from a pandas dataframe or another format that can be used directly by scikitlearn functions like train_test_split or fit, but it is necessary if you pass your data as a list or a numpy array directly from a file or another source. Y = values that we want to predict. We use only one feature to illustrate this example. In practice, you would use all available features to make predictions with a real dataset. X =[:, np.newaxis, :] in this case. The last line transforms the data into a numpy array because scikitlearn expects input data in this format. If you don't do this step (and you don't convert your data into a numpy array), you will get an error when trying to fit the model. This step is not necessary if you pass your data directly from a pandas dataframe or another format that can be used directly by scikitlearn functions like train_test_split or fit, but it is necessary if you pass your data as a list or a numpy array directly from a file or another source. Y = values that we want to predict. We use only one feature to illustrate this example. In practice, you would use all available features to make predictions with a real dataset. X =[:, np.newaxis, :] in this case. The last line transforms the data into a numpy array because scikitlearn expects input data in this format. If you don't do this step (and you don't convert your data into a numpy array), you will get an error when trying to fit the model. This step is not necessary if you pass your data directly from a pandas dataframe or another format that can be used directly by scikitlearn functions like train_test_split or fit, but it is necessary if you pass your data as a list or a numpy array directly from a file or another source. Y = values that we want to predict. We use only one feature to illustrate this example. In practice, you would use all available features to make predictions with a real dataset. X =[:, np.newaxis, :] in this case. The last line transforms the data into a numpy array because scikitlearn expects input data in this format. If you don't do this step (and you don't convert your data into a numpy array), you will get an error when trying to fit the model. This step is not necessary if you pass your data directly from a pandas dataframe or another format that can be used directly by scikitlearn functions like train_test_split or fit, but it is necessary if you pass your data as a list or a numpy array directly from a file or another source. Y = values that we want to predict. We use only one feature to illustrate this example. In practice, you would use all available features to make predictions with a real dataset. X =[:, np.newaxis, :] in this case. The last line transforms the data into a numpy array because scikitlearn expects input data in this format. If you don't do this step (and you don't convert your data into a numpy array), you will get an error when trying to fit the model. This step is not necessary if you pass your data directly from a pandas dataframe or another format that can be used directly by scikitlearn functions like train_test_split or fit, but it is necessary if you pass your data as a list or anumpy array directly from a file or another source. Y = values that we want to predict. We use only one feature to illustrate this example. In practice, you would use all available features to make predictions with a real dataset. X =[:, np.newaxis, :] in this case. The last line transforms the data into a numpy array because scikitlearn expects input data in this format. If you don't do


