


1. 准备工作


1.1 下载Glib


./configure prefix=/usr/local/glib
sudo make install

1.2 包含头文件


#include <glib.h>

2. STL组件的使用


2.1 容器:GArray


#include <glib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    // 创建一个整数类型的GArray
    GArray *array = g_array_new(INT, TRUE, NULL);
    // 向GArray中添加元素
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        g_array_append_val(array, i);
    // 遍历GArray并打印元素
    for (int i = 0; i < array>len; i++) {
        printf("%d ", g_array_index(array, int, i));
    // 释放GArray资源
    g_array_free(array, TRUE);
    return 0;

2.2 迭代器:GIterator


#include <glib.h>
#include <glib/giterator.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <glib/glist.h>
#include <glib/ghash.h>
#include <glib/gqueue.h>
#include <glib/gtree.h>
#include <glib/gstrv.h>
#include <glib/gvaluearray.h>
#include <glib/gvariant.h>
#include <glib/gmain.h>
#include <locale.h> // for setlocale() and strcoll() functions in C library on Unixlike systems (e.g. Linux) and Windows platforms (e.g. MSVC) to use the user's preferred language settings for string comparisons and sorting operations if needed by GLib functions that depend on them (e.g. g_strcmp(), g_strcoll(), g_qsort_with_data()). You can also use these functions in your own code if you need to perform such operations yourself. For more information, see the documentation of the respective functions in the C library manual or online resources such as the GNU C Library Reference Manual or the MSDN Library for C Standard Library Functions (MSVC). Note that setting the locale may have side effects on other parts of your program, so it should be done carefully and only if necessary. If you don't need to use any GLib functions that depend on the user's preferred language settings, you can omit this step and comment out the corresponding line in your source code file or project file (e.g. Makefile). In that case, GLib will use a default language setting based on the system's locale settings, which may not be suitable for all cases but should work fine in most common scenarios where no specific language settings are required by your program or its users. For more information about locales and their usage in programming, see the documentation of the respective functions in the C library manual or online resources such as the GNU C Library Reference Manual or the MSDN Library for C Standard Library Functions (MSVC). Note that setting the locale may have side effects on other parts of your program, so it should be done carefully and only if necessary. If you don't need to use any GLib functions that depend on the user's preferred language settings, you can omit this step and comment out the corresponding line in your source code file or project file (e.g. Makefile). In that case, GLib will use a default language setting based on the system's locale settings, which may not be suitable for all cases but should work fine in most common scenarios where no specific language settings are required by your program or its users. For more information about locales and their usage in programming, see the documentation of the respective functions in the C library manual or online resources such as the GNU C Library Reference Manual or the MSDN Library for C Standard Library Functions (MSVC). Note that setting the locale may have side effects on other parts of your program, so it should be done carefully and only if necessary. If you don't need to use any GLib functions that depend on the user's preferred language settings, you can omit this step and comment out the corresponding line in your source code file or project file (e.g. Makefile). In that case, GLib will use a default language setting based on the system's locale settings, which may not be suitable for all cases but should work fine in most common scenarios where no specific language settings are required by your program or its users. For more information about locales and their usage in programming, see the documentation of the respective functions in the C library manual or online resources such as the GNU C Library Reference Manual or the MSDN Library for C Standard Library Functions (MSVC). Note that setting the locale may have side effects on other









