










1、安装编译器:首先需要安装一个C语言编译器,如GCC(GNU Compiler Collection)。

2、编写脚本:使用文本编辑器(如Notepad++、Sublime Text等)编写C语言脚本,以下是一个简单的C语言脚本示例:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    printf("Hello, World!
    return 0;

这个脚本的功能是在屏幕上输出"Hello, World!",保存这个文件为"hello.c",然后使用编译器将其编译成可执行文件。


gcc hello.c o hello




Hello, World!



#include <stdio.h>
int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;
int main() {
    int num1 = 3;
    int num2 = 5;
    int sum = add(num1, num2);
    printf("The sum of %d and %d is %d.
", num1, num2, sum);
    return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
bool is_even(int num) {
    return (num % 2 == 0);
int main() {
    int num = 6;
    if (is_even(num)) {
        printf("%d is an even number.
", num);
    } else {
        printf("%d is not an even number.
", num);
    return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // 包含rand()和srand()函数所需的头文件
#include <time.h> // 包含time()和srand()函数所需的头文件
#include <stdbool.h> // 包含bool类型所需的头文件(仅适用于C99)
#include <stdlib.h> // 包含atoi()函数所需的头文件(仅适用于C99) */ #include <math.h> /* for abs() function */ #define MAX_NUM 100 //定义最大值*/ #define MIN_NUM 0 //定义最小值#define MAX_LEN (MAX_NUM + '0') //定义最大长度#define MIN_LEN (MIN_NUM + '0') //定义最小长度void generate_number(); //声明生成随机数的函数int main() { int target; char guess[MAX_LEN]; bool success = false; while (!success) { //当未猜对时 generate_number(); printf("Guess a number between %d and %d: ", MIN_NUM, MAX_NUM); scanf("%s", guess); if (guess[0] != '#') //如果不是注释字符 target = atoi(guess); else target = MIN_NUM; if (target > MAX_NUM) //如果超出范围 printf("Out of range! Please try again.
"); else if (target == ABS(target)) //如果是正负零 printf("Zero! Please try again.
"); else if (abs(target) == MAX_NUM) //如果是最大值 printf("Maximum value reached! Please try again.
"); else if (guess[0] == '#') //如果是注释字符 printf("Wrong comment format! Please try again.
"); else if (target == ABS(atoi(guess))) //如果猜对了 success = true; else printf("Wrong guess! Please try again.
"); if (success) //如果猜对了 printf("Congratulations! You guessed the number correctly.
"); else printf("You failed this time. Don't give up! Try again later.
"); system("pause"); /* This will pause the console window until the user presses any key */ /* Note that this is not recommended for production code */ /* For production code you should use fgetch() or similar function */ /* to avoid blocking the event loop */ /* See http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstdlib/system/ for more information */ /* on the system() function */ system("cls"); /* This will clear the console window */ /* Note that this is not recommended for production code */ /* For production code you should use fgetch() or similar function */ /* to avoid clearing the screen */ /* See http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstdlib/system/ for more information */ /* on the system() function */ /* If you want to exit the program after each round you can uncomment the following line */ /* exit(0); */ /* However, this will terminate the entire program */ /* instead of just this round */ /* If you want to end the game after a certain number of rounds you can uncomment the following line */ /* break; */ /* However, this will only end the current round and continue with the next one */ /* which means you will have to enter your guess again */ /* If you want to end the game after a certain number of rounds and keep the score you can uncomment the following lines */ /* int score = atoi(guess); */ /* if (score > MAX_SCORE) break; */ /* max_score = score; */ /* min_score = score; */ /* max_rounds = round; */ /* min_rounds = round; */ /* printf("Your final score is %d out of %d rounds.
", max_score, max_rounds); */ /* printf("Your final score is %d out of %d rounds.
", min_score, min_rounds); */ /* printf("Press any key to exit the game or Enter to continue playing: 
"); */ /fflush(stdin); */ /* getchar(); */ /* system("pause"); *//*注意以上注释掉的部分仅供参考*//*如果你想在每轮结束后退出程序,请取消注释以下行*//*exit(0);*//*但是这将终止整个程序*/*//*而不是只终止这一轮*/*//*如果你想在达到一定数量的回合后结束游戏,请取消注释以下行*/*//*break;*/*但是这将只结束当前回合并继续下一轮*/*/*这意味着你需要再次输入猜测*/*//*如果你想在达到一定数量的回合后结束游戏并保留分数,请取消注释以下行*/*//*int score = atoi(guess);*/ /* if (score > MAX_SCORE) break;*/ /* max_score = score;*/ /* min_score = score;*/ /* max_rounds = round;*/ /* min_rounds = round;*/ /* printf("Your final score is %d out of %d rounds.*/
", max_score, max_rounds);*/\tprintf("Your final score is %d out of %d rounds.*
", min_score, min_rounds);*/\tprintf


